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HE Found Me

There are some things that are quite enigmatic. You can't explain, but you know that there are some things that moves to make it happen.

The most possible and capable Divine that could draw it one is no other than but GOD HIMSELF.
Photo source: The Odyssey Online

 It was an ordinary night, simply enough to do things as usual when you're at home. I'm in my desktop place, mom is cooking at the kitchen, and my father who is habitually listening to the radio news every night. As I was in the middle of enjoying watching my random K-dramas (Korean dramas), I suddenly feel the pain in my stomach, something that goes beyond my chest, all the way to my heart. I feel so uneasy that time. I could not hold it anymore. I asked for my parent's help, and they came to rescue me with worries eyes and trembling hands, afraid what is bound to happen because of my facial expressions that is agonizing. My brothers were not at home by then, one is currently at work, and the other one is on his girlfriend's.

My mother hold my hands then, telling me to go to the nearby clinic to get a check-up. I was about to tell her that I couldn't, and I shouldn't because I know, that what I feel could not be medicated by a mere check-up.

That night was I considered the most spine-chilling a blood-curdling that happened to me so far. It was as if the darkness was slowly daunting me, and death was steadily approaching me, offering its hands. And this brood pain crept though me. I'm not ready to leave this world yet, not because of my ambition to become a lawyer, or other worldly things that I could achieve, but because I think that I'm not saved yet. Yes, salvation from God. I've been a horrible daughter for HIM, alwaysdoing what she pleases and not living for HIM. To give praises for HIS Mightiness.

I realized things by then, but I guess I was too late. Maybe I was not born to live a long life, maybe I was destined to die young. The"If I Die Young" song by the Band Perry is continuously playing on my head, like it was fated to stay there forever.

But then, I realized something. Maybe it was not too late. Not too late for me to run in His arms, not too late for me to find HIM, seek HIM, love HIM. And then I prayed earnestly to the Lord, solemnly asking him to give me strength to live for another day, weeks, months, and years to fulfill His wishes for me, to sing praises for his Mightiness above all things, and to live for him. What's essential is that we live by His faith, trust Him that everything will be alright for us to be save.

All of a sudden, I remembered how signs is perfectly working in every Christians. I asked Him for it. A white cat is all I need to see in order for me to rush to the hospital, because that would be His way that He is saving me from death. While we were walking along the highway because unluckily the doctor in the nearby clinic was already not available, a cat appeared! And it's white! My heart was beating too fast, I'm starting to murmur myself, "Could this already be it?" I tightly hold my mom's hands, saying that it's time for me to go to the hospital. She looks at me with a nervous expression, unknowingly realizing the sudden miracle that happened to me.

Photo source:

I was then rushed to the hospital, but physical cure was not I had gained. But spiritually, knowing that the Lord God is forever with me. And we must live for Him too. For our lives are not for worldly things, but for HIS ways.


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