Jesus loving arms- the safest place I could ever be, and I wish I could be staying there eternally.
GOD, was once offered us to be in the most benign dwelling humans could ever be. Back to the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve committed a Divine sin, back then, the connections between GOD and humans weren't the same anymore. Back when Cael killed his brother, Abel, or when God decided to cleanse the world and commanded Moses to build a boat that could save the small portion of earthlings, and then promises to never recurrence that catastrophe. For numerous times, GOD was trying to reach out to humans, to mend the relationship we once destroyed. Some followed, while others tried to get away from this calling.
How about you? Will you consider GOD's calling and accept the mission for His upcoming eternal regime, and get to be in the safest place the Heaven can offer- In the Mightiest's Arms, or will you continue to live your life for your selfish needs and desires?
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