Humans- most of us don't really grasp the idea that there is Someone who is beyond the greatest divinity among all of us. We don't certainly believed the occurrence that there is this greatest Man who died and endured all of the pain and throbbing agony in order to save us from the upcoming calvary which served us our punishment because of our wrongdoings.
But HE came. That's all that matters in the end. He came to rescue us. To redeem us from the curse that we humans put us between God. God must really love us until the end of time that He gave His only begotten Son to laid in an unconditional torture just to save the entire humanity. But sadly, some of us doesn't appreciate and realized that never-ending love.
God totally changes a person. If only you'll let him in. In that deepest part of your heart, mind, and soul.
So what are you waiting for? Are you willing to accept Him?
John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believed in Him should not perish but have an eternal life."
Isn't this verse not enough? Well, I guess it is.
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